Member Benefits

In addition to being part of a public voice that advocates in the best interests of principals, assistant principals and other schools leaders, membership in the Rhode Island Association of School Principals provides many benefits, including:

  • "First call service" that gives RIASP members phone access to a lawyer when a legal issue arises
  • Legal coverage that supplements the protection provided by NAESP and NASSP for active members
  • Legal liability insurance for retirees who assume interim or independent consultant positions
  • Award-winning publications from either NAESP or NASSP that provide researched information addressing the critical issues faced by school leaders
  • Regular informational sessions offered as needed to keep principals and assistant principals up-to-date about various state and federal mandates
  • Free professional development programming at four RIASP General Membership Meetings each year
  • Various professional development programs that have been designed specifically for instructional leaders and offered free of charge or at a substantially discounted rate to members
  • The RIASP summer leadership conference providing in-depth programming for principals, assistant principals, and other school leaders
  • Networking social events
  • A variety of opportunities each year to network with colleagues and participate in advanced professional learning


By joining RIASP each year you will also be concurrently enrolled in your corresponding national organization - National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) or National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).  Our office will forward a portion of your $620 dues to your national organization and take care of your national membership.

RIASP membership runs from September 1st to August 30th each year.

Membership has two important steps:

      1. Creating/Renewing the membership every year
      2. Payment of dues
Important:  We do not forward your name to the National Organization until we receive full payment or a copy of an official Purchase Order.  Only then will the National Organization consider you a continuing member. This is why it is important for you to follow up on payment.

Legal Insurance: You must be a paid up member to receive your full legal insurance.  Your coverage benefit is $1000 per continuous year up to a $10,000 maximum. If you membership lapses your benefit resets to $0.  RIASP covers the $500 deductible.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please email Robert Littlefield, Executive Director at or Cheryl Iiams, Administrative Assistant at

Other RIASP's Member Benefits

Membership in the Rhode Island Association of School Principals provides many benefits, including:

  • A public voice to advocate in the press in the best interests of principals and assistant principals
  • A presence in the General Assembly to lobby on behalf of principals, assistant principals, retired principals, and other school leaders
  • Legal coverage that supplements the protection provided by NAESP and NASSP for active members
  • Legal liability insurance for retirees who assume interim or independent consultant positions
  • "First call service" that gives RIASP members phone access to a lawyer when a legal issue arises
  • Award-winning publications from either NAESP or NASSP that provide researched information addressing the critical issues faced by school leaders
  • Regular informational sessions offered as needed to keep principals and assistant principals up-to-date about various state and federal mandates
  • Free professional development programming at four RIASP General Membership Meetings each year
  • Various professional development programs that have been designed specifically for instructional leaders and offered free of charge or at a substantially discounted rate to members
  • A summer leadership conference providing in-depth programming for principals, assistant principals, and other school leaders
  • Timely updates about critical educational issues provided electronically through the RIASP Wild Apricot Database
  • Social events that allow principals and assistant principals to relax with their peers

UPDATED: August 2022

© 2015 Rhode Island Association of School Principals

Rhode Island Association of School Principals is a 501(c) 6 Non-Profit Organization



401-272-9811 ext. 2 

Robert E. Littlefield, Executive Director 

Cheryl Iiams, Adm. Asst. 

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software